Discipleship Ministries Announces Layoffs within The Upper Room

NASHVILLE, Tenn. May 9, 2024/Discipleship Ministries/ - Discipleship Ministries of The United Methodist Church announced today the immediate elimination of seven staff positions within The Upper Room. The Upper Room has experienced significant financial challenges in recent years, and these layoffs will begin the work to realign the organization’s resources with its mission-critical ministries. As a self-sustaining unit that operates without general church funds, The Upper Room is sustained by product sales, program offerings, and generous contributions from donors.

These cuts, together with a few planned retirements, will represent approximately $1.4 million in annual savings, and will be part of a broader strategy to reduce overhead costs and reallocate funds more effectively toward the ministries that have long been hallmarks of The Upper Room’s ecumenical mission.

Janet Jamieson, Chief Financial Officer of Discipleship Ministries, stated, “We are hopeful that by taking decisive action now, we can begin the process of returning The Upper Room to a position of financial health. Only by practicing vigilant and prudent stewardship at this time can we ensure that The Upper Room remains a viable ministry for generations to come.”

Rev. Jeff Campbell, General Secretary/Chief Executive Officer of Discipleship Ministries, stated, “These are difficult decisions necessary to ensure the long-term sustainability of The Upper Room’s ministries. We are committed to supporting all affected staff during this transition and are deeply grateful for their service. As we move forward, The Upper Room will remain faithful to its vision: to foster an international community of disciples and congregations who are seeking God, experiencing new life in Christ, nurturing one another, and encouraging one another in Christian action to transform the world.”

Bishop Héctor A. Burgos-Núñez, Board President of Discipleship Ministries, stated, “Discipleship Ministries reaffirms its commitment to the quality of ministry for which The Upper Room is known. I am grateful for the faithful leadership of Rev. Jeff Campbell for this time in the life of the church, and The Upper Room.”

Future Leadership Plans:

In the interim, the Rev. Jeff Campbell will assist Upper Room departments to realign the organization’s resources according to its missional priorities. All existing ministries will continue to operate without interruption, as we strive for high standards of service and spiritual guidance that constituents expect.

About The Upper Room:

The Upper Room is a global ecumenical ministry of The United Methodist Church dedicated to supporting the spiritual formation of Christians seeking to know and experience God more fully. Founded as a daily devotional guide, The Upper Room has grown to include publications, programs, prayer support, and other resources to help believers of all ages and denominations move to a deeper level of faith and service. The Upper Room is part of Discipleship Ministries.

For more information, please contact Blake Davis at [email protected].

The mission of Discipleship Ministries is to support annual conference and local church leaders for their task of equipping world-changing disciples. An agency of The United Methodist Church, Discipleship Ministries is located at 1908 Grand Ave. in Nashville, Tenn. For more information, visit www.UMCdiscipleship.org, the Press Center at www.UMCdiscipleship.org/about/press-center, or call the Communications Office at (877) 899-2780, Ext. 1726.