Calling for Theme-based Worship Series Outlines
By Derek Weber
Have you designed a worship series around a theme or special event? Are you willing to share your ideas with others? Do you have sermon notes, scripture texts, music, and liturgical resources that would help a worship team recreate your theme in a different context? Then we want to hear from you!
Discipleship Ministries has been creating lectionary-based worship series for a few years. We pledge to continue to produce these worship resources for churches of all sizes – not to worry on that account. At the same time, we are looking to expand our offerings into theme-based and special event worship series and resources. We are inviting pastors, worship leaders, and worship teams to contact us with your ideas and outlines.
Please fill out the form below. If your worship series is selected, a Discipleship Ministries staff person will contact you for further development.
NOTE: Discipleship Ministries will compensate the writers/churches for the series selected and will give writing credit to the originators. While retaining original author credit, all materials posted on become the property of Discipleship Ministries.
Rev. Dr. Derek Weber, Director of Preaching Ministries, served churches in Indiana and Arkansas and the British Methodist Church. His PhD is from University of Edinburgh in preaching and media. He has taught preaching in seminary and conference settings for more than 20 years.
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