Home Equipping Leaders CONTENT LIBRARY Everything You Need to Know About Discipleship Coaching

Everything You Need to Know About Discipleship Coaching

By Chris Wilterdink

Conflict Article

Discipleship Ministries and Excellence in Ministry Coaching (EMC3) have partnered to create a Certificate in Discipleship Coaching.

This article will serve as a hub which will connect you to more detailed information and offerings related to the training program.

The Certificate in Discipleship Coaching represents an innovative approach to increase the opportunities that laity and clergy share to understand and approach discipleship in their local church. This certificate is new and will compliment (and should not be confused with) Certification in Lay Ministry courses, Professional Certification Courses endorsed by GBHEM, or coaching certifications from the International Coaching Federation.

What is this certificate?

Twelve hours of online training built around coaching concepts, coaching skills, and intentional discipleship. In many ways this program is a starting place for laity or clergy to work together from the same framework, to build up discipleship pathways within their local church.

This certificate and recognition are valid for twelve months from completion and can be renewed with continued learning and a small renewal fee.

Who is this for?

Leaders in the local church, whether lay or clergy, looking for basic knowledge related to coaching skill fundamentals and discipleship. The materials and trainers approach concepts from a Methodist theological perspective. Upon completion, certificate recipients should be willing to partner with other leaders in their church to support and refine discipleship efforts with their congregation.

When do trainings happen?

Online in cohorts of up to 20 people at a time that include live training sessions and work between sessions. A variety of meeting times are available for convenience.

There is the potential of in-person trainings for districts and conferences if leadership can meet certain participation guarantees. See Following a Call: Become a Certified Discipleship Coach and Transform Your Church Community for how to contact EMC3 and ask about in-person possibilities.

Why is Discipleship Ministries supporting this program?

Discipleship Ministries exists to support and challenge the church in its discipleship efforts. One of our key priorities is for every local church to have an intentional discipleship system or pathway in place. This coaching effort creates the opportunities for lay people and clergy to work together to increase the intentionality behind discipleship in their community and the culture of discipleship at their church.


The Certificate in Discipleship Coaching registration costs $150. As the program launches, the first 500 participants can enroll at a reduced rate of $75. That registration includes all twelve training hours and access to tools and resources needed to complete the training.

Renewal is currently priced at $25.

Where can I learn more?

Chris Wilterdink serves as the Executive Director for Congregational Vitality & Intentional Discipleship, and as the Director of Young People’s Ministries for Discipleship Ministries of The United Methodist Church. As a lay person, his educational background in English, learning, and project management form much of his approach to ministry. With over 15 years of experience at the local church level and more than a decade of serving the general level of the UMC, Chris continues to be passionate about leadership development and discipleship with every generation, as well as helping ministry leaders understand their value in the lives of young people.

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