Field Preachers: A Church Planting Podcast - Episode 24
By Rachel Gilmore
George Acevedo and Michael Beck are United Methodist pastors in the Florida Annual Conference and are some of the leaders in our denomination when it comes to Fresh Expressions. They have just released a book called "A Field Guide to Methodist Fresh Expressions" that is a valuable resource for our church today. Listen in on this week's episode where they share about their experiences in the local church, as well as whether it's possible to start a virtual fresh expression during this season of social distancing.
In March of 1739, John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, engaged in "field preaching" for the first time after being encouraged by his friend and fellow preacher George Whitefield. Instead of preaching his sermon from a pulpit, Wesley went out from the church and preached in the open air to those who didn't have the time or money to sit in a pew and hear the good news. Thousands of people, mainly those struggling with poverty, came to hear him preach that first week and the revival of Methodism was born as the good news became real in the hearts of those who heard about God's love and grace.
Church planters are modern day "field preachers" who go out from the established church into the community where they proclaim good news to those who need it most. This podcast is a series of interviews and stories from modern-day Methodist field preachers who will make you laugh, cry, and think more deeply about how and where we are called to share God's love and grace.
Rachel Gilmore is the former Director of Recruiting, Assessing & Training for Church Planting with Path 1. She stays away from foliage but loves to plant other things like churches, preschools, and ideas in the minds of those looking for innovation and inspiration in the church.
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