Home Equipping Leaders Stewardship Offertory Prayers and Invitation for February 2020

Offertory Prayers and Invitation for February 2020

By Ken Sloane

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Each month’s Offertory Prayers includes an “Invitation to the Offering” (see below) along with a digital image for those who might want to use it. We hope you will find this a helpful way to remind the people in your pews that their offering travels to many places to make a powerful difference in the lives of people they may never meet. You can find great stories of the difference our giving makes at umcgiving.org.

Invitation to the Offering

Your offering last week empowered ministry within our congregation and in response to the needs of our community. It also supports the work done at Discipleship Ministries developing curriculum and resources specifically for local churches to help equip them for the mission of the church: making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. As part of the #SeeAllThePeople campaign, thousands of church leaders have made use of downloadable books, video, and social media resources, and new online courses in designing intentional disciple-making systems for the local church. Ministries like these happen, thanks to the way the people of The United Methodist Church live and give connectionally. I invite you to give generously, as we worship God through sharing our gifts, tithes, and offerings.

Click here to learn more about the #SeeAllThePeople campaign and resources.

Offertory Prayers

Note: The following prayers relate to lectionary texts selected for use in Discipleship Ministries’ worship resources.

February 2, 2020 – Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

Holy God, as we bring our tithes and offerings to your altar, we confess that many of us have longed to be “wise with money” as the world understands it – accumulating and building our balances and portfolios. The apostle Paul has called us to live in ways that often seem foolish to the world, and we know that means being seen as extravagant in generosity and reckless in our compassion. Help us on the journey to loosen our grip on our money and possessions and live the compassion to which your Son has called us. In his name, we pray. Amen. (1 Corinthians 1:18-31)

February 9, 2020 – Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Holy God of mercy, redemption and grace, this morning we bring our gifts and pray that you will dedicate them to your work of love and reconnection with all your children. These gifts seem small when balanced against what Christ has given us and what you continue to give us through the Holy Spirit. In our giving, may we grow in gratitude, trust, and faithfulness. In the name of Christ, who gave all for us, we pray. Amen. (1 Corinthians 2:1-12 (13-16)

February 16, 2020 – Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

God of all creation, the offering we bring to your altar this day is the fruit of our labors; and we want to bring you the best we have. No harvest comes from us alone but starts in your goodness; and many have contributed to every good gift we bring. Working together in your fields, generous God, we pray that our gifts might be used to bless others who hunger for connection with you. We pray in the name of Christ, our savior and redeemer. Amen. (1 Corinthians 3:1-9)

February 23, 2020 – Transfiguration Sunday

God of power and love, we come to worship this day in anticipation: to hear the music, to be fed with the word, to reconnect with family, but most of all to listen to your voice as it might speak to us in the silent moments. May your goodness and caring be affirmed in the gifts we give, and as worship comes to an end, may we hear Jesus’ voice sending us out into the mission field, and may we listen and go. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen. (Matthew 17:1-9)

February Offertory Prayers & Invitation to the Offering were written by the Rev. Dr. Ken Sloane, Director, Stewardship & Generosity, Discipleship Ministries, The United Methodist Church. [email protected]

Click here for Offertory Prayers translated into Spanish.

Ken Sloane is the Director of Stewardship & Generosity for Discipleship Ministries of The United Methodist Church.

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