Home Equipping Leaders Path 1 / Church Planting Digital Church Planting Training 2021

Digital Church Planting Training 2021

By Emily Reece

Digital church planting training 2021 article

Did you miss our fall 2021 webinars for Digital Church Planting Training? You can still purchase the recordings without the books. Watch the presentations and Q&A at your own pace for just $10.

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Dive Deeper:

Last fall, when many churches were scrambling to live into the emergent reality of digital ministry, Path 1 convened a group of practitioners and thought leaders to equip churches for this new form of church. The response to that training was overwhelming, and we thank you for participating in those sessions.

Many voices have continued the conversation since then, providing very specific, detailed ideas for launching and sustaining online worship, faith communities, and small groups, and starting other creative digital ministry solutions. Because of those developments, we’re taking a different approach this year, focusing on equipping people in your churches to be digital missionaries.

Throughout the pandemic, some churches have been able to cultivate new Christian communities amid the realities of quarantine and social distancing—in digital space. They have connected with so-called “nones and dones,” formed community with new people in new places, and shared their faith. Churches connected with these digital “fresh expressions” have experienced growth as a result.

We invite you and laity from your congregation to join Path 1 as we host Bishop Kenneth Carter, doctors Pete Phillips and Jonas Kurlberg of the Center for Digital Theology at Durham University, UK, and Rev. Dr. Michael Beck, practitioner, author, and apostolic leader, for a panel discussion and opening webinar on Thursday, October 21, from 5:30-7:00 p.m. CDT, as we launch Digital Church Planting Training 2021.

Additional Sessions:

  • October 28 – The Discipleship Journey: Evangelism, discipleship, and church planting are not programs, departments, or the expertise of specialists. They are a singular move of the Spirit that flows through the life of every Jesus follower. When we do this in community with others, we become the fullness of the “priesthood of all believers.”
  • November 4 – Church Planting for All: “Wait, I thought church planting was for the experts?!” Nope, forming Christian communities is the natural outflow of our growth as Christians. Following Christ in this way transforms discipleship. It helps us to love people as Jesus taught (Mark 12:28-31).
  • November 11 – Organized Love: Love is more than warm feelings or a happy conversation. It’s practical. And practical love must be organized. Just like a family and all the love within it—this love doesn’t just happen. Forming new Christian communities can be this simple. Simple doesn’t mean easy, but every one of us can do this by employing these simple tools and principles.

Purchase the Webinar Recordings

Questions? Email Emily Reece at [email protected].

About the Presenters:

Bishop kenneth carter headshot

Kenneth H. Carter, Jr., is serving in his tenth year as resident bishop of The Florida Conference of The United Methodist Church.

Bishop Carter served as the president of the Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church from 2018-2020. He was also one of three moderators of The Commission on a Way Forward from 2016-2018. In addition to his responsibilities with The Florida Conference, he serves as the bishop the Western North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church and as bishop-in-residence and a consulting faculty member at Duke University Divinity School.

Bishop Carter is author of eighteen books, most recently a memoir, “God Will Make a Way” (Abingdon, 2021). His great hope for the church is that she will rediscover an orthodox Christian faith which offers the radically inclusive grace of God to all people, and at the same time calls every follower of Jesus to inner holiness, missional compassion, justice rooted in the gospel, and hopeful witness.

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Michael Beck is a pastor, professor, and author. He came to faith as a street kid, redeemed by Jesus from a life of incarceration and addiction. Michael and wife Jill are co-pastors of Wildwood and St Mark’s UMCs, as well as a network of thirteen fresh expressions gathering in tattoo parlors, dog parks, burrito joints, and digital spaces. Michael also serves as the Cultivator of Fresh Expressions Florida, Director of the Fresh Expressions House of Studies at United Seminary, and Director of ReMissioning for Fresh Expressions US. He is the author of six books on Fresh Expressions. Michael helps church leaders across the globe follow Jesus in new and exciting ways.

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Rosario "Roz" Picardo grew up in western New York as a first-generation Sicilian-American. In 2003, he earned his Bachelor of Arts in Religion from Houghton College and in 2007 a Master of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary. He graduated with a Doctor of Ministry from United Theological Seminary in 2014. In addition to his work in the church Roz leads a consulting group for church planters/pastors called Picardo Coaching LLC and is the author of seven books. More recently, Picardo works bi-vocational at United Theological Seminary. He serves as Director of the Seminary's Pohly Center for Supervision and Leadership Formation, a faculty consultant in United's Doctor of Ministry program and an affiliate faculty member, and Director of External Partnerships. Picardo is one of the founding pastors at Mosaic, a new multi-cultural church in Dayton, Ohio.

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Jonas Kurlberg is a tutor in Theology at Spurgeon’s College where he also manages the MA in Digital Theology. Over the last few years, he has been researching the implication of digital technology for Christian faith and practice at the Centre for Digital Theology at Durham University. He also convenes the Global Network for Digital Theology.

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Rev. Dr. Peter M. Phillips recently moved to Spurgeon’s College from Durham University where he was a Research Fellow and Director at the Centre for Digital Theology in the Department of Theology and Religion. Pete and his colleague Jonas Kurlberg have brought the Centre to Spurgeon’s College and both now teach Spurgeon’s MA in Digital Theology. Pete also works as Head of Digital Theology at Premier Christian Media.

Emily Reece is the Director of Recruiting, Assessing, and Training for Church Planting at Discipleship Ministries. She is a lifelong United Methodist with 25 years of professional ministry experience. Emily has worked primarily in church planting and revitalization, ministry coaching, resource development, and church communications. Prior to serving for almost 20 years at the General Church and Indiana Conference, she worked in lay ministry coordination for congregations in Illinois and Indiana.

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