Worship Matters: Episode 110 – Resources for Lent through Easter Sunday
Lent and Holy Week and Easter are often times of intense activity and special worship experiences in the local church. The Worship Team from Discipleship Ministries presents an innovative worship series that takes the worshiper from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. Titled Steadfast Love: A Lenten Playlist, this series takes music from a variety of genres to help deepen our experience of the profound themes of this holy season. Listen in as the team shares their excitement about this series and then some highlights of other projects coming from Discipleship Ministries. You won’t want to miss it.
“Worship Matters” is a podcast from the worship team of Discipleship Ministries, designed to deal with the intricacies of planning worship each week. Hosted by Dr. Diana Sanchez-Bushong, Executive Director of Worship Ministries and Director of Music Ministries; Dr. Lisa Hancock, Director of Worship Arts; and Dr. Derek Weber, Director of Preaching Ministries, this podcast explores themes and issues related to worship in a local context with an emphasis on planning worship in light of the common lectionary while creating worship experiences and series that are engaging, relevant, and adaptable for any church setting.
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