Home Worship Planning Preaching Resources Worship Matters: Episode 92 – Preaching to the Left Behind

Worship Matters: Episode 92 – Preaching to the Left Behind

What can the preacher do to help their congregation navigate this time of disaffiliation as we look forward to General Conference of 2024? How can we lead from the pulpit? What images can help us find a way through? What do we cling to for hope in these complicated days of our denomination? Dr. Alyce McKenzie and Dr. O. Wesley Allen join the worship team to help us consider these and other important questions for preachers.

Both our guests come from Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas where they teach preaching. Dr. McKenzie is an ordained elder with pastoral experience from Pennsylvania and now, in addition to teaching, she directs the Perkins Center for Preaching Excellence. Dr. Allen is also an ordained elder from Indiana and a teacher in various settings. Both are prolific writers on aspects of the art of preaching. Together they produced a resource titled “Preaching to the Left Behind: Ideas for Preaching in the Wake of Disaffiliations and as the Denomination Looks Forward to General Conference 2024.” Many more resources are available at their website.

Join us for this vital conversation for The United Methodist Church.

“Worship Matters” is a podcast from the worship team of Discipleship Ministries, designed to deal with the intricacies of planning worship each week. Hosted by Dr. Diana Sanchez-Bushong, Executive Director of Worship Ministries and Director of Music Ministries; Dr. Lisa Hancock, Director of Worship Arts; and Dr. Derek Weber, Director of Preaching Ministries, this podcast explores themes and issues related to worship in a local context with an emphasis on planning worship in light of the common lectionary while creating worship experiences and series that are engaging, relevant, and adaptable for any church setting.

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