Worship Matters: Episode 93 – Soul Work
A Conversation with the Rev. Linda Furtado, Director of Spirituality and the Arts, Scarritt Bennett Center.
What happens in the intersection between spirituality and the arts? How does worship become a crucible for this intersection and foster an awareness of the spiritual? These questions and more form the basis of the conversation between the Worship Team and Rev. Linda Furtado. In addition to being Director of Spirituality and the Arts at Scarritt Bennett, Linda is also pastor at Beech Grove United Methodist Church in metro Nashville. She has an undergraduate degree in music education and is passionate about artistic expressions of many kinds. Rev. Furtado works to build holistic ways of being Christian with a wide scope of possibility and depth in both understanding and execution and seeks to make even the most challenging theological concepts into tangible and practical resources for building up God’s kingdom and kin-dom on earth. You can find more about her work from the Soul Work page on the Scarritt Bennet Center website. Join us for this conversation about art and spirit.
“Worship Matters” is a podcast from the worship team of Discipleship Ministries, designed to deal with the intricacies of planning worship each week. Hosted by Dr. Diana Sanchez-Bushong, Executive Director of Worship Ministries and Director of Music Ministries; Dr. Lisa Hancock, Director of Worship Arts; and Dr. Derek Weber, Director of Preaching Ministries, this podcast explores themes and issues related to worship in a local context with an emphasis on planning worship in light of the common lectionary while creating worship experiences and series that are engaging, relevant, and adaptable for any church setting.
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