Doing Justice
By Steve Manskar
When Covenant Discipleship groups write their covenants they are guided by the General Rule of Discipleship:
To witness to Jesus Christ in the world and to follow his teachings through acts of compassion, justice, worship, and devotion under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The vast majority of groups have the most difficulty with acts of justice. They struggle with this part of the General Rule for many reasons. The core of the struggle is either ignorance or misunderstanding of the meaning of "justice" in the context of Christian faith and discipleship.
If you are struggling with the Biblical meaning of "justice" this video by Rev. Tim Keller is an excellent help: Doing Justice
Keller is senior pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York, NY. He has also written a good book on the topic, Generous Justice: How God's Grace Makes Us Just. In the book Keller makes the vital connection between the doctrine of justification by grace through faith and God's call upon the Church to be an advocate and agent of justice for the poor.