Holy Saturday on Twitter #holysat

By Taylor Burton-Edwards


Part of the work of this blog and its collaborators over the years has been to re-imagine Christian community, worship, discipling and mission in light of early Christianity, early Methodism and the realities of the contexts we now inhabit, taking all with great seriousness.

In that spirit, if you are not attending an IRL service of Holy Saturday where you are, I invite you to participate in one via Twitter, this coming Saturday at 10 AM EDT.

If you want to know more about what you'd be getting yourself into, or see what we'll actually do together on Twitter on Saturday morning, hop over to this post on the United Methodist worship blog.

If you just want to join in, and are open to an online service with LOTS of silent spaces, simply follow us at the hashtag #holysat.

A blessed Holy Week to one and all.