New Worship Resource: Celebrating the Appointment of a Deacon in a Local Congregation
By Taylor Burton-Edwards
For the Celebration of the Appointment of a Deacon in a Local Congregation
By Colleen P. Gilrane
Note: The following is intended to be used by congregations who are welcoming commissioned or ordained deacons appointed to serve in their midst. It can be used as part of “An Order for the Celebration of an Appointment” found in The United Methodist Book of Worship, 595 ff. The congregation is encouraged to make other alterations to that service, as needed, to fit their particular constellation of consecrated, commissioned or other appointed ministers.
Leader to Deacon:
[Name], you have been sent to live among us
to share in Christ’s ministry of servanthood,
to relate the life of our community to its service in the world,
to lead others into Christian discipleship,
to nurture disciples for witness and service,
and to lead in worship.
Colleen P. Gilrane is a United Methodist layperson, professional educator and professing member of Magnolia Avenue United Methodist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.
“For the Celebration of the Appointment of a Deacon in a Local Congregation” is © 2010 by the General Board of Discipleship. Permission is granted to local congregations to reproduce, use and adapt this resource by any means provided the copyright acknowledgment appears on all copies. It may not be sold or placed on another website without written permission ([email protected]).