Rev. Kilende Brings Visitors from Angola

By Stephen Bryant

dri-rev-kilende-brings-visitorsReverend Adriano Kilende and members from his United Methodist congregation in Lubango, Angola, met with the representatives of Higher Education and Ministry, Discipleship Ministries and Upper Room Ministries during their visit to Nashville.

Rev. Kilende, a former staff member at Higher Education and Ministry, translated as his church members toured the agencies, learning more about the programs of the agencies, The Upper Room devotional guide, Disciple Resources International publishing teams across the globe, and DRI’s E-Reader Project.

DRI’s Robin Pippin led the presentation for the project covering everything from the project’s mission to the logistics of using the device. Rev. Kilende has assisted the project by taking a number of Kindles to East Angola where the devices will help students at the Methodist Theological School in Quessua.
