Special Thanks to Jeff Oliver

By Stephen Bryant


On the last trip to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Robin and Steve were accompanied by photographer and videographer, Jeff Oliver.

Jeff Oliver and his family served as a United Methodist Volunteers in Mission with the Malawi Provisional Conference of The United Methodist Church from 2009 – 2011. As an amateur photographer, Jeff documented his family’s mission in Malawi on the blog, Our Journey.

Now, as an Information Technology professional in Nashville, TN, he still longs to support and tell the story of what God is doing among United Methodists in Africa. He jumped at the chance to travel for two weeks in the DRC to document the launch of the E-Readers for Theological Education project and ongoing training at three schools: Kamina, Kabongo and Mulungwishi.

DRI is grateful for his mission spirit, skill and ebullient spirit of adventure.
