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This order may be used at a district conference or another service of public worship, the district superintendent or a representative of the district Committee on Lay Servant Ministry presiding. See The Book of Discipline 2012 (¶ 266–269) concerning the distinction between local church lay servants, certified lay servants, lay speakers, certified lay speakers, and other provisions concerning Lay Servant Ministry.

Leader to congregation:

Brothers and sisters,
we gather here today to recognize those persons
who have responded to a call to serve
by becoming local church lay servants or lay speakers
or certified lay servants or lay speakers.
A lay servant is a professing member of a local church
who is ready and desirous to serve the Church;
who is well informed on the Scriptures
and on the doctrine, heritage, organization, and life
of The United Methodist Church;
and who has received specific training to develop skills
in witnessing to the Christian faith through spoken communication,
church and community leadership, and caregiving ministries.
A lay speaker is a lay servant who has been additionally called and equipped
to serve the church in pulpit supply.
Those persons wishing to make this commitment
may now present themselves.

The candidates come forward and are introduced by name.

Leader to all candidates:

Brothers and sisters,
do you now, in the presence of these persons,
renew your membership vow
to be loyal to Christ through The United Methodist Church
and faithfully participate in its ministries
by your prayers, your presence, your gifts,
your service and your witness?

I do.

Do you believe you have been called by the Holy Spirit to use your skill
to lead in your church and community,
to expand your caring ministries,
and to witness to the Christian faith in worship and other settings?

I do.

Do you intend to live a life
in keeping with the teachings and example of Jesus Christ?

I do.

Do you believe the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments?

I do.

Are you willing to serve your congregatiob
in any way called upon by your pastor or Charge Conference?

I am.

Are you willing to take the initiative in program support
and give leadership to the total work of the local congregation?

I am.

Are you willing to lead meetings for prayer, study, and discussion;
to assist in the conduct of worship;
and to care for others?

I am.

Are you willing to continue your study,
improve your skills, and grow in wisdom and ability?

I am.

Leader to candidates for lay speaker and certified lay speaker:

Have those of you seeking recognition as lay speaker or certified lay speaker
completed the additional studies required
of those who will serve in local or district pulpit supply?

We have.

Leader to candidates for certified lay servant and certified lay speaker:

Have those of you seeking recognition as certified lay servant or certified lay speaker
completed an advanced study program qualifying you for service beyond your local congregation
as approved by the district Committee on Lay Speaking?

I have.

Are you willing to communicate your faith,
offer leadership and resources, be involved in caring ministries,
lead worship,
and respond in any manner in which your services are requested
beyond your local congregation?

I am.

Have you met with the Committee on Lay Speaking
to review your application
and to consider the responsibilities of a certified lay servant or certified lay speaker?

I have.

Have you faithfully ascribed to the requirements for lay servant ministry and lay speaking
as set forth in The Book of Discipline?

I have.

Leader to pastors of the candidates:

Pastors of these candidates, please stand.

The pastors stand.

You have heard the responses of these candidates.
Do you as their pastors recommend them
as local church lay servants and lay speakers or certified lay servants or lay speakers?

I do.

Leader to congregation:

People of the district,
as brothers and sisters of these candidates
do you recommend them as servants of Jesus Christ?

We do.

Do you promise to support and help nurture them in this new ministry?

We do.

Leader to all candidates:

You have been recommended and endorsed,
and have affirmed your commitment.
Therefore, by the authority granted to me
by the Committee on Lay Speaking,
I recognize you as local church or certified lay speakers
with all the powers and responsibilities inherent with each.
Go forth to fulfill the ministry that you have received in the Lord.

Leader to congregation:

Let us pray.

Almighty God, whose Word is truth,
in the keeping of which is eternal life:
We thank you for these persons whom this day we set aside in your name
as local church or certified lay servants or lay speakers
and as your servants.
Prepare them in body, mind, and spirit for their task
and continue them in your grace,
that they may increase and bless your Church through their labors;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The leader presents the lay speakers with certificates and pins.

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Copyright: “An Order of Commitment for Lay Speakers” Copyright © 1992 UMPH. Altered 2013 by the Discipleship Ministries in accordance with the 2012 Book of Discipline.