In ministering to the bereaved immediately following a death, the pastor may pray extemporaneously, or pray one or more of the prayers of commendation, or the following:
Out of the depths we cry to you, O Lord. Hear our voice.
We wait for you, O God. Our souls wait for you.
Give us now your word of hope.
We know your love is steadfast, always there when we need it.
Let us feel your presence now in our time of sorrow.
Help us to look to tomorrow to see hope beyond grief,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
After the death of a child:
Loving God, as your son Jesus took children into his arms
and blessed them,
give us grace to entrust Name into your steadfast love,
through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
After the birth of a stillborn child or the death of a newly born child:
Merciful God, you strengthen us by your power and wisdom.
Be gracious to Name (and Name) in their (her) grief,
and surround them (her) with your unfailing love;
that they (she) may not be overwhelmed by their (her) loss,
but have confidence in your goodness,
and courage to meet the days to come;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
See also A Service of Death and Resurrection for a Stillborn Child and prayers in A Service of Hope After Loss of Pregnancy.
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Copyright: “Ministry Immediately Following Death” Copyright © 1992 UMPH.