Observed on Trinity Sunday (the First Sunday after Pentecost), this day witnesses to our Triune God's call for a faithful, just, and peaceful world.
Suggested Hymns and Prayers from UMH
425–50 Social Holiness |
107 La Palabara Del Señor Es Recta (Righteous and Just Is the Word of the Lord) |
949 Hymns listed under Peace |
456 For Courage to do Justice |
From self–righteousness that will not compromise,
and from selfishness that gains by the oppression of others,
O Lord, deliver us. See also United Methodist Book of Worship, Hymn 195.
From the lust for money or power that drives to kill, R
From trusting in the weapons of war,
and mistrusting the councils of peace, R
From hearing, believing, and speaking lies about other nations, R
From suspicions and fears that stand in the way of reconciliation, R
From words and deeds that encourage discord, prejudice, and hatred;
from everything that prevents us from fulfilling your promise of peace, R
(U.S.A., 20TH CENT., ALT.)
See also United Methodist Book of Worship 495, 511, 513, 515–21, 526–27.
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Copyright: Prayer Copyright © 1992 UMPH. Note: The introduction to Peace with Justice Sunday was re-written, 2013, by Discipleship Ministries because of copyright issues with the version printed in The United Methodist Book of Worship.