2022 ADCM Gathering
Each year, the design team for the ADCM plans a gathering to connect us to one another and strengthen our ministry. In 2022, we thirst for connection, and yet, it feels that busy schedules overtake our days. Please set aside Monday, January 31, 2022, from 12-4 p.m. CST (1-5 p.m. EST). The ADCM will gather by Zoom, hosted by Discipleship Ministries.
An overview of our time together includes:
- Welcoming new DCMs.
- Participation in a dynamic panel discussion with Bishop Hope Morgan Ward (retired), Bishop Mande Myuombo – North Katanga Area (Tanzania, Tanzanique, North Katanga), and Rev. Carlo Rapanut (Superintendent of Alaska and Assistant to the Bishop, GNW).
- Breakout rooms with each speaker to further engage the topics of movement, improvisation, and connection in new spaces.
- Time to connect and engage with one another as DCMs.
- Business and financial updates.
- Updates from Discipleship Ministries and UMCom.
- Breakout rooms for each jurisdiction to connect.
Please register for this event by Friday, January 21. Registration will provide details to update the DCM Directory and confirm participation.
As DCMs, we connect the wider UMC by our connection with one another. We look forward to seeing you.
About the Presenters:
Bishop Mande Muyombo was elected to the episcopacy in 2017. He is the Resident Bishop of the North Katanga Area, which includes North Katanga, Tanganyika, and Tanzania conferences in the Congo Central Conference of The United Methodist Church.
Bishop Hope Morgan Ward is a Retired Bishop in The United Methodist Church. She was elected to the episcopacy in 2004 by the Southeastern Jurisdiction and retired in 2021, where she was the Resident Bishop of the North Carolina Conference - Raleigh Area in the Southeastern Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church.
Rev. Carlo Rapanut brings practical methods of ministry to our new landscapes in his ministry as the Superintendent of Alaska and as a previous DCM.
Schedule (all times Central):
- Noon – Welcoming
- 12:30 p.m. – Main panel with moderator
- 1:30 p.m. – Breakout rooms
- 1:45 p.m. – Closing prayer
- 1:50 p.m. – Break
- 2:15 p.m. – Engaging further on three topics
- 3 p.m. – Business section
- 3:30 p.m. – Speaker on UMC
- 3:40 p.m. – Meeting in jurisdictions