Children's Worship with Mort
DATE: Tuesday, April 26
PRESENTERS: JB Brayfindley, Diana Sanchez-Bushong & Kevin Johnson
Every church is looking for creative ways to be inclusive of children and their families. Finding ways to offer intergenerational worship over the past few years has allowed pastors, worship leaders, and children and family ministries leaders to offer some amazingly creative and effective worship models.
This Discipleship Ministries webinar will feature Mort the snail. (Disclaimer: Mort is a puppet!) Mort is one of the characters involved in “Children’s Worship,” a recent successful online outreach to children in the California-Nevada United Methodist conference and beyond. Mort and good friend JB Brayfindley will offer ideas and conversations about how this unique worship came about.
This new worship model allows churches to collaborate in creating the service by sharing video clips that are edited into one twenty-minute experience. Contributors take turns reading the scripture, reciting the Lord’s Prayer, giving short faith-based messages, singing, and sharing greetings.
Children see and hear a wide range of people sharing God’s love. And children get to take turns, too—as well as puppets! Join JB (and Mort), Diana Sanchez-Bushong, Director of Worship, and Kevin Johnson, Director of Children’s Ministries of Discipleship Ministries, for this webinar and explore and discover new and powerfully empowering ways to provide worship experiences for your congregation of all ages.