Engaging the Community for Social Transformation - Session 5
The monthly webinar series, Engaging the Community for Social Transformation, will take place Thursday, October 28, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. noon, CDT. In this session, we discuss bridging community engagement, the academy, and working for the beloved community with our guest, Dr. Mark Davies.
Dr. Davies serves as Professor of Social and Ecological Ethics at the Wimberly School of Religion and Director of the World House Institute for Social and Ecological Responsibility at Oklahoma City University. Currently, he is working on a project with the Interfaith Youth Core, founded by Eboo Patel, assisting United Methodist schools, colleges, and universities to develop and enhance opportunities for interfaith service, dialogue, and cooperation. Dr. Davies also serves on the United Methodist University Senate.
We will have a great conversation concerning ethics and social holiness related to the environment, the COVID-19 pandemic, anti-racism, white Christian nationalism, and how the local church can more fully live out the call to work toward the beloved community. Local churches, non-profits, community organizations, and the academy can be excellent resources for finding best practices, discerning action steps, and offering wisdom as we seek to partner with God and engage the community.
As followers of Christ, we trust in God’s lifegiving good news that is proclaimed in the cross and Resurrection and that makes itself known in tangible ways as lives and communities and creation are transformed to be more like the beloved community that Martin Luther King Jr. envisioned and that we believe God is calling us as followers of Jesus to participate in. This participatory work seeks justice and the flourishing of life for all people and all creation. The work of community engagement can put us in place to enter into that partnership with God as we get to know our neighbors, build relationships, and join together gifts that uplift and offer a hope-filled future.
I’m excited to have Dr. Davies join us and I’m looking forward to having you join us for this conversation. For more information, contact Bryan Tener at [email protected].
The webinar series is offered monthly through the end of the year at 11 a.m. Central Time. Dates are June 24, July 22, Aug. 19, Sept. 23, Oct. 28, Nov. 18, and Dec. 16.