Online Small Groups Webinar
DATE: January 12, 2021
TIME: 11 a.m. CST
PANELISTS: Scott Hughes, Dr. Angela Schaffner, Allen White
During the last ten months, small groups have had to adapt. Some small groups started meeting through videoconference, some found ways to meet through physical distancing, and sadly, some stopped meeting altogether. What some churches have found during this time is that even following the COVID-19 crisis, there will be an ongoing need for the use of online small groups. The question is how do we do online small group ministry well? Join the panel of Scott Hughes, Angela Schaffner, and Allen White as they discuss ways to start and improve online small group ministry.
Rev. Dr. Scott Hughes is Executive Director of Congregational Vitality and Intentional Discipleship at Discipleship Ministries. His Doctor of Ministry Project was on using Digital Tools and Small Media for Small Groups.
Dr. Angela Schaffner is a licensed psychologist and owner of a private practice in Atlanta, Georgia. She is the author of two books: Revealed: What the Bible Can Teach You About Yourself, and Gather Us In: Leading Transformational Small Groups. She's currently working on a third book focused on the experience of faith and emotion in our bodies. She enjoys martial arts, tennis, reading, and spending time with her partner, three sons and close friends.
Allen White has coached over 1,500 churches across North America as well as serving on staff at New Life Christian Center, California, and Brookwood Church, South Carolina. Allen teaches workshops for various churches and organizations, such as Saddleback Church and Willow Creek Canada, and is part of the Small Group Network ( Allen offers courses, coaching groups, resources, and a weekly blog at
Watch the video archive of this webinar: