Seeing and Reaching/Working Across Race and Class Lines
Join Scott Hughes as he talks with Rev. Dr. Tex Sample about his book Working Class Rage for a two-part webinar series. 1 John 5:20-21 reminds us that part of loving God, who is unseen, is seeing and loving those around us who are hurting and feel neglected. This webinar series is part of the Courageous Conversations project, yet it is open to all pastors and all church leaders who are seeking to better understand and love those who feel as though their voice doesn’t matter.
Two primary questions at the heart of these webinars will be:
- Has the church failed to see the pain of the white working class?
- How might seeing the pain of the white working class help the church see the pain of black people?
For more information about the how the Courageous Conversation resources can help your local church to engage in meaningful and projective dialogue, click here to enroll in the Courageous Conversations teaching series.
Watch the video archive of this webinar: