The Hymn Society Annual Conference
The Hymn Society’s all-digital Annual Conference will bring us together for community, learning, sharing, and of course – song! If you haven’t yet registered, you may register online or by mail. Be sure to sign up before June 15 to save $25 off the cost of regular registration.
Memorable Evening Events
For this year's conference we're especially grateful to the leaders of our evening events who have, on relatively short notice, boldly and imaginatively changed their presentations to accommodate the digital medium. We'll get to enjoy "An evening with..." on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights. Each event will include a Zoom link for conference registrants and will also be streamed live on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.
- Sunday, July 12, 7:30 p.m.: An Evening With Tom Trenney. Join organist, choral director, and composer Tom Trenney in song as he presents a virtual hymn festival entitled "Will You Come and Follow Me?" Featuring recordings from past worship services, new narrations by Tom Trenney, scripture readings featuring multiple Hymn Society members, and the opportunity to live-chat with Tom during the festival presentation, this will be a wonderful opening for our digital conference.
- Monday, July 13, 7:30 p.m.: An Evening with Kim Harris. Join composer and scholar Kim Harris on a journey exploring songs of African American Freedom Traditions. Both recordings and live renditions of songs will be utilized as we learn and sing together.
- Tuesday, July 14, 7:30 p.m.: An Evening with Saya Ojiri. Join Japanese hymnology scholar Saya Ojiri for a series of interviews with some of Asia's top hymnologists, composers, and song leaders. Interviews will be conducted with people representing various Asian cultures, giving us a broad overview of the diversity and beauty to be found in songs from Asia.
- Wednesday, July 15, 7:30 p.m.: An Evening with Diana Sanchez-Bushong. Join United Methodist song enlivener and hymnologist Diana Sanchez-Bushong for our final evening together where she will lead us in a spiritual walk with and through song. Hymns, anthems, readings, and prayers will send us out where "everything old is new again."
Registration Options
Options for registration include both full and basic conference packages. The Hymn Society gladly welcomes non-members to join in this exciting event. For more information, visit Register now (before June 15) to save $25!
Financial Assistance
Thanks to the generosity of various Hymn Society members, we have conference registration scholarship assistance available for those who may be experiencing financial hardship due to the pandemic or for some other reason. If you are lacking the financial resources to register for our all-digital Annual Conference, we encourage you to send a confidential message to Executive Director Mike McMahon at [email protected] to request a conference registration scholarship. We will make every effort to provide this assistance to any member who requests it.