Using Digital Technologies for Faith Formation
We are living in unprecedented times. The recommendations for social distancing and even self-quarantine threaten to raise our collective anxiety levels and keep us from experiencing community. Yet as the baptized community, the church affirms the need to continue meeting together (Hebrews 10:25). Now is the time for churches to be experimenting with digital tools and social media to help small groups and Sunday School classes to connect in new ways and continue the church’s efforts at faith formation. Join Scott Hughes (Executive Director of Congregational Vitality and Intentional Discipleship), Tanya Campen (Director of Intergenerational Ministries at the RioTexas Conference), and Christine Hides (Provisional Deacon, Director of Christian Education Kenilworth Union Church, Blogger) as we explore theological foundations, share best practices for teaching and leading online, resources to help, and take time to answer your questions too.