Home Discipleship Ministries at General Conference 2024

Discipleship Ministries at General Conference 2024

Please note that legislation from Discipleship Ministries has the signature of our former board President, Mark Webb. Although Bishop Webb has joined the Global Methodist Church, these pieces of legislation are official and approved by the board of Discipleship Ministries. Any proposals from Discipleship Ministries that show as submitted by Mark Webb were created and submitted prior to 2019 and did not require any updates to meet the current wishes of the board of directors.


The General Agencies of The United Methodist Church play a critical role in supporting the church's mission and ministry across the globe. Think of them as specialized departments, each with a unique focus and responsibility, working together to serve the broader objectives of the church. Each agency, with its specific focus, ensures that The United Methodist Church can effectively address the diverse needs of its members and the communities it serves, both locally and globally. They are essential in helping the church fulfill its mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

DOWNLOAD Discipleship Ministries' Proposals (PDF)

The proposals below are submitted for consideration at General Conference in 2024 from Discipleship Ministries. Each of these proposals was created, considered, approved of, and submitted by our Board of Directors to help refine and update Discipleship Ministries’ role within the United Methodist Church, as well as sustainability for the future. The proposals also include items submitted from the Division Ministries with Young People, which has an administrative relationship with Discipleship Ministries.

A detailed PDF of Discipleship Ministries' proposals is available for download. This PDF lists our proposals detailed language as well as their assigned numbers in the Advance Daily Christian Advocate (ADCA). Please note that the formatting follows the standard for proposals. Regular font represents what language currently exists in the Book of Discipline. Strikethrough font represents language proposed to be deleted. Underlined font represents language proposed to be added.

Our staff would be happy to connect with leaders from delegations and Annual Conferences to discuss or address any questions related to these proposals prior to and at General Conference. Please contact Chris Wilterdink with questions or comments.


The General Conference of The United Methodist Church is a key decision-making body that plays a crucial role in shaping the church's doctrine, policies, and social principles. Think of it as the highest legislative body, akin to a parliament or congress, where representatives from United Methodist congregations around the world gather every four years.

These representatives, called delegates, are both clergy and lay members. They worship together, join in discussions, and vote on various matters through a legislative process. Matters up for consideration can include changes to church law, adoption of new social principles, and resolutions on current moral, social, public policy, and economic issues. It's a forum where diverse voices come together to democratically shape the direction and policies of The United Methodist Church on a worldwide scale.

General Conference takes place from April 23 to May 3, 2024, in Charlotte, North Carolina (USA). We encourage you to visit the General Conference website for up-to-date news articles and resources from the organizers of the event itself.


A delegation to General Conference is the selected group of representatives from various geographic locations, identified by The United Methodist Church. These representatives come from around the world.

To discover who is part of the voting delegation for the area in which you reside, click here to view the online directory.


This page will be updated to include links to websites and legislative proposals from all General Agencies. They are listed below in alphabetical order.

  1. General Board of Church and Society (GBCS): Focuses on advocacy and action on social justice issues, working to implement the Social Principles of the UMC.
  2. General Board of Discipleship (GBOD), now known as Discipleship Ministries: Provides resources and support for local church disciple-making and offers guidance in areas such as worship, leadership, and spiritual formation. This page is hosted by Discipleship Ministries, so please see our detailed legislation information above.
  3. General Board of Global Ministries (GBGM): The mission and humanitarian relief arm of the UMC, responsible for global mission work, including missionaries, disaster response, and health ministries.
  4. General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM): Oversees the education and ministerial development within the UMC, including support for seminaries and higher education institutions.
  5. General Board of Pension and Health Benefits, now known as Wespath Benefits and Investments: Manages pensions, health benefits, and investment assets for UMC clergy and lay employees.
  6. General Commission on Archives and History (GCAH): Preserves the history and heritage of the UMC and provides historical resources and research.
  7. General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR): Focuses on racial justice and promoting cultural diversity within the church.
  8. General Commission on the Status and Role of Women (GCSRW): Works to ensure the full participation of women in the life of the UMC and addresses gender discrimination issues.
  9. General Commission on United Methodist Men (GCUMM): Engages men in the UMC to grow in faith and service.
  10. General Commission on Communications, also known as United Methodist Communications (UMCom): Handles the communication, public relations, and marketing needs of the UMC.
  11. United Methodist Publishing House (UMPH): Publishes books, music, and other resources for the church.
  12. General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA): Manages the finances, administrative services, and statistical data of the UMC.
  13. United Methodist Women (UMW), also known as United Women in Faith (UWF): An independent organization dedicated to missions and advocacy for women, children, and youth.