Entrance: "There's No One in This World Like Jesus," Worship & Song, 3036
During the first verse, light, gospel book, bread and wine enter the worship circle. The gospel book is given to the first reader. The light, bread and wine are placed on the Lord's Table.
Piano stops, but djembe continues, quietly, through the first reading.
Gospel Reading 1: Mark 3:7-12
At the end of the reading, full accompaniment returns to sing verse 1 and refrain again.
The gospel book is taken to the bishop for the second reading. Piano again stops, drums continue.
Gospel Reading 2: Mark 3:7-12
"There's No One in This World Like Jesus," Worship & Song, 3036
He's showing how to live just like he does.
He's showing how to be just like him.
He's showing how to live just like he does,
To heal and deliver like him.
To go walking, walking,
Proclaiming, proclaiming,
Healing, healing,
Raising, raising,
Casting out demons everywhere,
To heal and deliver like him.
He's showing how to live just like he does.
He's showing how to be just like him.
He's showing how to live just like he does,
To heal and deliver like him.
Silence for Reflection on the Word
Invitation to the Table
This is Christ's table. It's not yours or mine.
He calls you. He invites you.
Come, confess your sin.
God, you have sent us,
and we have not gone.
You told us to expect a bountiful harvest,
and we have hidden inside our buildings,
while throngs long for your truth and healing touch.
You have given more than daily bread,
and there are many hungering around us.
Forgive us as we forgive. Lord, have mercy.
Come, hear God's pardon.
In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven.
In the name of Jesus Christ, we are all forgiven!
Come, share Christ's peace.
The peace is exchanged among the people. Piano begins playing chordal patterns of opening lines of God of Wonders (W&S 3034).
The Great Thanksgiving
Christ is with us.
Yes, he is! Hallelujah!
The Holy Spirit is in this place!
Ignite our hearts!
Raise your hands! Lift your voices!
Father, we are yours!
We are yours, all yours, blessed Triune God,
all our lives, all our thanks, all our praise,
all our hesitations, all our grumbling, all our fears,
we give it all to you, with all our bodies, and minds, and voices.
Yours, all yours!
Yours the blessing, yours the praise,
from the unimaginable silence before the big bang,
beyond the farthest reaches of time and space our instruments may ever find,
from infinity to infinity, everlasting to everlasting,
you are God, boundless in love and power.
We stand in awe, trembling in the light of your glory!
What are we that you should notice us?
What are we that you should love us?
What are we what you should call us into covenant with you,
a covenant we continually broke,
and you continuously sustained.
Mercy! How full of mercy!
How can we but praise you,
joining our voices with the song of angels and saints,
seraphim and martyrs,
strangers and family in every generation:
Refrain from "God of Wonders," Worship and Song, 3034
then sing to to the same tune
Jesus Christ who comes in our God's name, you are worthy, worthy!
Lamb of God for all creation slain, you are worthy, worthy!
Hosanna to our King! Hosanna to our King!
You are holy, O God!
You are worthy, O Christ!
Worthy in your birth! Worthy in your living!
Worthy in your loving! Worthy in your serving!
Worthy when you preached good news
that God's kingdom has drawn near
and gathered disciples, then and now, to learn and show the world
what life in God's reign means:
healing for the sick.
new life for the dead,
cleansing for the lepers,
freedom for the possessed,
new birth, new life, new creation breaking in for all.
Worthy! Worthy! Worthy above all!
Worthy too, the night we betrayed you,
when you took the bread, blessed it and broke it,
and gave it to your disciples.
Worthy when you told them,
"This is my body broken for you. Remember me."
We remember.
Worthy when you took the cup,
praised God and shared it,
and worthy when you said,
"This is my blood of the new covenant for you.
Remember me."
We remember.
We remember, and we praise you with our lives
and these gifts of bread and wine,
proclaiming with one voice the mystery of faith:
Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.
Come upon us, Holy Spirit.
Come upon us, Holy Spirit.
Come upon these gifts.
Come upon these gifts.
Make them be for us Christ's body, Christ's blood.
Make us one body in Christ enlivened by his blood.
One in heart, one in mind, one in you, Holy Spirit,
as you move us to pray for the church and the world:
That we may proclaim the gospel boldly: Hear us, Lord.
That we may offer your healing for all who are sick, and people who are torn and weary: Hear us, Lord.
That many dead and left for dead may be raised, and death itself vanquished: Hear us, Lord.
That all who are unclean may receive your cleansing grace: Hear us, Lord.
That all who are possessed, oppressed, distressed, depressed and downcast may be set free at last. Hear us, Lord.
Even so, come and fill this feast, Holy Spirit,
this day, and every day until that day
when we eat it new at the marriage supper of the Lamb!
All blessing, honor, glory and power
be yours, Holy Triune God,
now and forever.
The presider breaks the bread and lifts the cup. We serve one another.
"Come to the Table of Grace," Worship & Song, 3168
Thanksgiving after Communion:
Thank you, God, for uniting us with Jesus in this holy mystery.
We are no longer our own, but yours.
So send us, and put us
to leading and serving in your mission
wherever we go. Amen.
Now go into the world, be like Jesus.
Now go into the world, be like him.
Now go into the world, be like Jesus.
Now go forth and live just like him.
We're walking, walking,
proclaiming, proclaiming,
healing, healing
cleansing, cleansing
we're casting our demons everywhere,
we heal and deliver like him.
We go into the world just like Jesus.
We go into the world just like him.
We go into the world just like Jesus.
We go forth to live just like him!
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