21st Century Africana Liturgy Resources for the Third Sunday of Advent, Year C
*Revised Common Lectionary Readings
Online texts are available at the Vanderbilt Divinity Library
- Zephaniah 3:14-20
- Isaiah 12:2-6
- Phil 4:4-7
- Luke 3:7-18
Gathering Meditation
(Based on Philippians 4:4-7)
Rejoice in the Lord always. Let's say it again.
Rejoice! Repeat that sounding joy!
Hold nothing back. Let go of worries.
Let go of cares. Bring everything to God in prayer and once again, rejoice!
Let's say it again. Rejoice! Repeat that sounding joy!
Rejoice until you know, you know, God's peace that passes all description.
Rejoice in the Lord always. Let's say it again. Rejoice!
Call to Worship
(Based on Isaiah 12:2-6)
Voice 1: When the Lord comes.
All: When the Lord comes.Voice 1: When the Lord comes.
All: When the Lord comes.
Voice 2: We'll shout.
Voice 3: And sing.
Voice 4: Fear no earthly thing.
Voice 1: When the Lord comes.
All: When the Lord comes.
Voice 1: When the Lord comes.
All: When the Lord comes.Voice 2: We'll call God's name.
Voice 3: And tell the world.
Voice 4: What mighty things God has done.
Voice 1: When the Lord comes.
All: When the Lord comes.
Voice 1: When the Lord comes.
All: When the Lord comes.
Voice 2: We'll lift our voice.
Voice 3: Throw back our heads.
Voice 4: And praise God like we mean it.
Voice 1: When the Lord comes.
All: When the Lord comes.
Voice 1: When the Lord comes.
All: When the Lord comes.
Voice 1: WE. . . NEED . . . YOU . . . NOW!
All: Come, Lord Jesus. Come!
*This listing of readings comes from The United Methodist Book of Worship and is adapted from The Revised Common Lectionary: Consultation on Common Texts (Abingdon Press, 1992) copyright © by the Consultation on Common Texts (CCT), P.O. Box 340003, Room 381, Nashville TN 37203-0003. Reprinted with permission of CCT.
Reprinted with permission from the Africana Worship Book for Year C, Copyright © 2008 Discipleship Resources, Nashville, TN. This 21st Century Liturgy Resource may be printed, copied, distributed, reprinted in church bulletins or newsletters, or otherwise used for nonprofit local church worship or education with the inclusion of the copyright citation. It may not be used for profit or republication without prior permission. It may not be reproduced on another website, though other websites are welcome to link to this page.
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