21st Century Africana Liturgy Resources for the Third Sunday After the Epiphany, Year C
Two Gathering Meditations
(Based on Psalm 19)
Why do we hesitate to tell of the majesty of God, when without the power of speech, words, or sound the heavens tell of God's glory? Even the firmament proclaims God's handiwork. And while there is no spoken word, their collective voice goes out to the entire universe, proclaiming to us the glory of God. Praise is the response that is due our God. Just as the Magi from the East came bearing gifts and bowed down to worship the Messiah, we also praise God during this season of Epiphany and at all times. Let every thing that has breath praise the Lord!
Words are not necessary to express the grandeur of God and God's creation. The thing (the universe) speaks for itself. The heavens proclaim God's greatness and the firmament gives testimony to God's omnipresence in all creation. And, as if the heavens and all creation were not enough to illicit a response from us, remember that we have the power of speech. Our voices can be heard. So we lift our voices in praise. Though mere words are not enough, still we lift our voices in praise. AMEN.
Prayer of Confession
Holy God,
We have not been attentive to your Word this week. We have not "studied to show ourselves approved," nor have we listened and obeyed when we felt your Spirit directing us to speak a word of encouragement to those we have encountered. Forgive us LORD. Move us from do-nothingness to action. Amen.
Assurance of Pardon
Hear the good news: God forgives those who repent and confess their sins.
In the name of Jesus Christ, your sins are forgiven.
Prayer of Illumination
LORD, help us to understand your Word, for Your Word is true.
Help us to be faithful disciples as we do what your Word says.
May your Word lead us to unspeakable joy; for the joy of the LORD is our strength. AMEN. Litany: We Are One Body in Christ
(Based on I Corinthians 12:12-31a) Leader: There are many members in the body of Christ, but one body.
People: We are all one body in Christ.
Leader: Just as God arranged the human body, God has arranged the church to be members of the body of Christ
People: We are all one body in Christ.
Leader: Therefore, we need one another to survive.
People: We are all one body in Christ.
Leader: We must care for one another; for, together, we are the body of Christ.
People:There are no big gifts and little gifts. My gift is no better than your gift.
Leader: No one is greater than another, for we are one in Jesus Christ.
All: God has placed gifted people among us to equip the saints and to build God's Kingdom. We rejoice that we are one body in Christ. AMEN.
About the Author: Jeanette Pinkston is a former staff member of Discipleship Ministries.
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