The pastor addresses the congregation, and the congregation responds with The Congregational Pledge 1 (UMH 44), as follows:
The Congregational Pledge 1
Do you as a congregation accept the responsibility
of assisting these parents (and sponsors)
in fulfillment of the baptismal vows,
and do you undertake to provide facilities and opportunities
for Christian nurture and fellowship?
We will, by the grace of God.
Let us pray.
O God, our heavenly Father,
grant that these children (persons), as they grow in years,
may also grow in grace
and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ,
and that
by the restraining and renewing influence of the Holy Spirit
they may ever be true children of thine,
serving thee faithfully all their days.
So guide and uphold
the parents/sponsors of these children (persons)
that, by loving care, wise counsel, and holy example,
they may lead them into that life of faith
whose strength is righteousness. Amen.
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit
bless, preserve, and keep you, now and for evermore. Amen.
One or more laypersons, including children, may join the pastor in acts of welcome and peace. Baptized children may be welcomed by a kiss of peace or other acts or words immediately following
Baptism with Laying on of Hands.
Then an appropriate hymn, stanza, or response may be sung.
Appropriate thanksgivings and intercessions for those who have participated in these acts should be included in the Concerns and Prayers that follow.
It is most fitting that the service continue with Holy Communion, in which the union of the newly baptized children with the body of Christ is most fully expressed.
Copyright: “Alternate Congregational Pledge 1, Copyright © 1959 Board of Publication, Evangelical United Brethren Church; Copyright © 1992 UMPH. Used by permission.”
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