Call to Worship for the Seventh Sunday After Pentecost
I lift up your name, Lord
because you lifted me out of the muck.
You did not let work, worry, or weary steal my joy.
Lord I cried to you, and you healed me!
You lifted me up from the pit of death.
You restored my soul from the dark hole I had buried it in.
Join with me, sing praises to God, you faithful ones
Give thanks to the Lord
who mends the broken into break-dancing,
who takes the crooked and shows them line-dancing,
who catches us in our fall and lifts us up above the crowd,
who turns our mourning into dancing for joy.
Praise the Lord, God, forever give thanks to the Lord!
The Rev. Nathan Decker is the pastor of the South Sussex Charge of the James River District of the Virginia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.
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