Celebrating God's Love
"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends."
(John 15:12-13)
Many younger children will soon be exchanging Valentine's Day cards with school classmates. As adults, we may celebrate Valentine's Day by exchanging cards and/or gifts with people we love. Some of you may recall that the card and gift exchange created a sense of awkwardness or embarrassment during your childhood and youth. Openly expressing feelings of affection and love can be a real challenge for some individuals. We are vulnerable when we share our emotions.
When we think of Valentine's Day, we usually think of romantic love. However, it is an appropriate time to think also about God's love through Jesus Christ. The love that Jesus commanded us to show one another extends beyond "warm fuzzies" and affection. God's love is unconditional. As a sign of God's love, Jesus literally gave his life to free us from sin and to provide us with eternal life. If we embrace the principles of Christian love, then we are committed to one another in myriad ways.
Ask the children to think of as many characteristics as possible to describe what it means to be a good friend. Write these qualities on newsprint or a chalkboard. Make sure the children have included spiritual activities such as praying for their friends and demonstrating forgiveness toward their friends. Ask them to review the list and to reflect on how good a friend they usually are to others. Discuss the ways in which Jesus offered friendship to his disciples. Remind the children that one of the best ways to be a good steward of God's love is to tell their friends about Jesus and his love for us.
Close by encouraging the children to focus on expressing God's love to their friends and family on this Valentine's Day. Children could even make cards that express Christian love and give them to others.
Dear God, help me to show your love to others. Help me to follow your example of friendship. Thank you for your great love of me. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
Discussion Questions
- How was Jesus a good friend to others? What did Jesus do for them?
- In what ways would you like to improve your relationships with others?
- Why is it so important to love others as Jesus loves them?
- Name someone who has shown you God's love. What difference has that person made in your life? Be sure to let that person know that he or she has made a difference in your life.
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