Contemplative Call to Worship for Use with John 4:5-42, Third Sunday in Lent, Year A
Call to Worship
(Based on John 4:5-42)
Sing: "Fill My Cup, Lord," 447, African American Heritage Hymnal, verse 1
(Option: "Fill My Cup, Lord," 641, United Methodist Hymnal)Leader: Are you thirsty?
Moment of silence
Leader: What are you thirsting for this day?
Sing: "Fill My Cup, Lord," 447, African American Heritage Hymnal, verse 2
(Option: "Fill My Cup, Lord," 641, United Methodist Hymnal)Leader: Come into God's presence and never thirst again.
People: We are parched, and this journey is long.
Leader: Come, let us journey toward the spring of living water.
Sing: "Fill My Cup, Lord," 447, African American Heritage Hymnal, verse 3
(Option: "Fill My Cup, Lord," 641, United Methodist Hymnal)
Unison Prayer
We are open and our spirits are willing to receive your grace.
Clear the clutter and the chaos.
We let go of all that holds us down and holds us back from your living water.
Come and fill us up so that we may never thirst again.
We ask all things in the name of the one who calls us beloved. Amen.
Words of Assurance
Sing refrain of "Fill My Cup, Lord"
This resource was written by participants in a workshop conducted by the Rev. Heather Williams of the North Central New York Annual Conference. Williams is currently the pastor of the Immanuel United Methodist Church in Camillus, New York.
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