Liturgy and Ritual: Bless Each Other
As you Connect with God through liturgy and ritual,
make plans with your family to:
- Pay Attention
- Take Time
- Do Holy Work
- Bless Each Other
Bless One Another (Give thanks, celebrate, and pray for each another)
Monthly blessing for families:
Make the shape of a cross on your family member’s forehead or hand while saying these words:
(Make a vertical line.) God loves you.
(Make a horizontal line.) God is with you.
(Look your family member in his/her eyes.) You are a blessing.
(Hug your family member.) I am grateful for you.
Monthly Milestone Celebration: Driver’s License
The time may come when a teen in your home will receive his or her driver’s license. This is an important milestone to celebrate as the youth is getting older and experiencing more freedom. But this milestone carries with it more responsibility, as it requires maturity, care, and caution. In these moments, we celebrate the growth of the young person and we pray for the safety of all drivers. The liturgy for new drivers may be used at church and/or adapted to use in the home.
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