Lord, Raise Us Up! A 21st Century Africana Resource for the Fifth Sunday in Lent, Year A
Suggested Hymns:
- "Revive Us Again," 569, African American Heritage Hymnal
- "There Is a Balm in Gilead," 123, Songs of Zion
- "Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior," 351, United Methodist Hymnal
Suggested Praise Songs:
- "God Is Here" (Martha Munizzi) in The Best Is Yet to Come
- "The Presence of the Lord Is Here" in Live at New Birth Cathedral (Byron Cage CD, written by Kurt Carr)
Gathering Meditation
I came to worship today Lord, but I had to drag myself here. I find it hard to not be depressed. I have gone through another week without one affirmation of my uniqueness as an African American child of God. I have been bombarded by negative images of Black people. I have seen my people portrayed as criminals, drug dealers, and low achievers. But deep in my spirit, I know that there is another truth. Lord, I need you to speak to my spirit today and breathe new life into my soul. Come, Holy Spirit, Come!
Call to Worship
Leader: We come, knowing that we are living in the midst of dead relationships.
People: Lord, Raise Us Up!
Leader: We come troubled by dead finances.
People: Lord, Raise Us Up!
Leader: We come with hopes and dreams that have died.
People: Lord, Raise Us Up!
Leader: We come, Lord, to be revived in your presence.
People: Lord, Raise us up, and breathe new life into our spirits!
Prayer of Confession and Celebration
Lord of peace and power, thank you for being a God of revivals and restorations. We confess our marriage, dating, and parenting relationships need healing. We acknowledge that these relationships are driven more by self than by your Spirit. Loose us from the demons of low-esteem. Empower us with a vision for new life and new possibilities. Grant us the assurance that you can breathe new life into our hopes and dreams, relationships and communities. In the Name of Jesus, we pray. Amen!
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"21st Century Africana Liturgy Resources: Worship Resources for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year A" copyright © 2005 The Rev. Junius Dotson.
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