Offertory Prayers and Invitation for June 2017
Each month’s Offertory Prayers includes an “Invitation to the Offering” along with a digital image for those who might want to use it. We hope you will find this a helpful way to remind the people in your pews that their offering travels to many places to make a powerful difference in the lives of people they may never meet. You can find great stories of the difference our giving makes at
Invitation to the Offering
The offering you made last week empowered ministry within our congregation and in response to the needs of our community. It also helped support the work of ministries beyond the local church that reach people who are in desperate need to feel the touch of God’s love and reconciliation. Through our connectional giving, we engage, train, and resource congregational leaders who are seeking innovative ways to energize their ministries and grow in outreach to their community and the world. At Discipleship Ministries, a dedicated team provides valuable worship planning resources on a weekly basis, with almost 10,000 visitors to their website each day. Lectionary-based and seasonally themed, these resources support local church worship leaders with sound Wesleyan and culturally relevant worship content for music selection, liturgical content, and preaching helps – all at no cost to pastors, worship leaders, or local churches. This ministry happens thanks to the generous support of United Methodists like you. I invite you once again to give generously as we worship God through the sharing of our gifts, tithes, and offerings.
Learn more about the worship resources at
Ofertory Prayers
June 4, 2017–Day of Pentecost
Holy God, thank you for sending your Spirit, the Spirit of the risen Christ, from heaven. Help us to be like the early disciples, praying patiently as we wait for your guidance and power. Fill our hearts and minds with your gifts of faith, hope, and love. May our conversations with people of every language and culture around us witness to your grace and mercy. We dedicate ourselves and our offerings to your good purposes in the world through our church’s mission by the power of your Spirit. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. (Acts 2:1-21)
June 11, 2017–First Sunday After Pentecost/Trinity Sunday–Peace with Justice Sunday
(Special Offering)
God of love and peace, you created the vast universe! Through Christ your Son, you redeemed the world from human disobedience. Open our eyes to see the reflection of your image in each person. By your Spirit, inspire us to contribute to the flourishing of people, creatures, and the environment that you made to be very good indeed. Use these gifts and offerings to support our church’s mission of hope and assistance for people in our wider community. We pray through our faithful Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. (Genesis 1:1- 2:4)
June 18, 2017– Second Sunday After Pentecost (Father’s Day)
God, our Heavenly Father, in the power of gracious love, you reveal the meaning of parenthood. You bring forgiveness, joy, and laughter to earthly families where relationships are strained by sin. Thank you for your bountiful love as you listen and respond to our prayers. Accept these offerings as a sign of our thankfulness. May you bless the parents, children, and grandparents of our church so that we may be a blessing to our neighbors. We ask this through Christ, who blessed little children. Amen. (Psalm 116)
June 25, 2017–Third Sunday After Pentecost
Generous God, you are the source of abundant life. You reveal a great mystery: those who lose their life for the sake of your Son will find it. When we are aware of loss, send your Holy Spirit to help us trust in your steadfast love. You are transforming our lives and this world as surely as you have transformed the cross by Christ’s resurrection. Let our gifts bring vitality to the healing ministries of this community of faith. We ask this in the name of our risen Lord Jesus. Amen. (Matthew 10:24-39)
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