Home Worship Planning Preaching Resources Offertory Prayers and Invitation for September 2015

Offertory Prayers and Invitation for September 2015

Each month’s Offertory Prayers include an “Invitation to the Offering” (see below) along with a digital image for those who might want to use it. We hope you will find this a helpful way to remind the people in your pews that their offering travels to many places to make a powerful difference in the lives of people they may never meet. You can find great stories of the difference our giving makes at http://umcgiving.org

Invitation to the Offering

Your offering last week empowered ministry within our congregation and in response to the needs of our community. It also helped support the work of ministries beyond the local church, such as the specialized training provided for people who serve the church in Children’s Ministry. There are national events such as the Children’s Ministry Forum (Nov. 17-19 in Little Rock, AR) as well as webinars and resources provided regularly through the Children’s ministry page of the Discipleship Ministries website (see below). These kind of cooperative efforts happen all across our connection, thanks to the way the people of The United Methodist Church live and give connectionally. I invite you to give generously as we worship God through sharing our gifts, tithes and offerings.

Learn more about resources for those who work with children at:


September 6, 2015 – Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost / in Kingdomtide

O God, our creator, you love each person whom you have made in your image. Thank you for providing for our needs so that we can be generous. We feel joy when we share with others. Direct our thoughts and actions as we seek to work together as brothers and sisters in Christ. We dedicate these offerings in the excellent name of Jesus. Amen. (James 2:1-17)

September 13, 2015 – Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost / in Kingdomtide

Gracious God, we rejoice in your goodness! You sent your Son Jesus to be the Messiah, the Savior of the world. He reveals your way of self-giving love. Help us to set our minds on divine things. May our lives contribute to the spread of your good news, which is of ultimate importance. We ask this for the sake of Christ, our Lord. Amen. (Mark 8:27-38)

September 20, 2015 – Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost / in Kingdomtide

Mighty God, you faithfully uphold and guide us. Through times of difficulty and uncertainty, you show us steadfast love. Thank you for the kindness we have received through your church. Lead us to grow in gratitude, so that we will gladly share our gifts. Bless these offerings to sustain our mission to those in need in our community. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen. (Psalm 54)

September 27, 2015 – Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost / in Kingdomtide

O Lord, our redeemer, you give new life through your word and Spirit. We are grateful that you continually teach us the best way to live. Your wisdom is more precious than riches and sweeter than honey. Order our heart’s desires according to your will. May these offerings uphold our church’s ministries that help people to know and follow Christ, your Son. Amen. (Psalm 19:7-14)

September Offertory Prayers were written by the Rev. Rosanna Anderson, Associate Director of Stewardship at Discipleship Ministries, The United Methodist Church.

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