Praise for the Upper Room Worshipbook
The Upper Room Worshipbookis a great gift to seekers yearning for formation in liturgy, psalmody, and song. It is a solid and exciting invitation to join our hearts and voices with the church and all creation in praising the Mystery that holds us in life. I am especially delighted to see the expanded section of Psalms and the rich selection of creation songs and hymns. This is a book every pastor and committed disciple should have at hand.
When people open this book and sing its songs and Psalms, they light up. There is an honesty and "on-the-ground" quality to these selections. It is well suited to our postmodern context.
— The Rev. Dan Benedict, former Discipleship Ministries staff member for Worship Resources
I have been looking for a songbook to use in retreats. I had given up and decided to create my own when I found The Upper Room Worshipbook. I am so excited to find a resource like this — beautiful hymns and chants, easy to sing, music that takes us inward to reflect and outward to change the world. Thank you, Upper Room, for a wonderful worship resource!
— The Rev. Sue Joiner, Program Director, Called Back to the Well, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Many thanks for the copy of the new edition of The Upper Room Worshipbook, which I have examined with great delight…. I'm prepared to praise [it] to the skies.
The Upper Room Worshipbook is the best liturgical/musical resource that I have ever seen for weekday worship by persons new to the disciplines of daily praise and prayer and spiritual formation. Both prayers and music are drawn from an astonishingly wide range of sources and should prove accessible to persons coming from "non-liturgical" backgrounds.
The extensive resources for praying and singing the Psalms are simply extraordinary in their range of musical and liturgical styles. They are convincing evidence that the Psalms can be at the heart of Christian worship for contemporary Americans.
The Upper Room Worshipbook … is an extraordinary accomplishment that should be a great blessing to all who use it.
— The Rev. Hoyt Hickman, editor and scholar (retired)
The Upper Room Worshipbook (URW), released in 2006, is different from most congregational songbooks or hymnal supplements that feature beloved, traditional hymns and songs for worship. While it also includes some of these, URW is a great source for new and previously unpublished hymns and songs, choruses and chants, ethnic and global songs, Communion settings, and contemporary hymns especially suited to ecumenical settings.
The Upper Room Worshipbook contains new liturgies for daily prayer, Holy Communion, and other uses, along with an extensive selection of psalm settings and prayer songs. It is ideal for retreats, choral music, personal devotional practices, as well as congregational worship use with classical worship forms such as Evensong or Taizé.
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