Prayer for Those Who Lead Us
"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for kings and all who are in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity." (1 Timothy 2:1-2, NRSV)
Today, we offer prayers for all who exercise leadership around us.
Together, let us pray for local, municipal, and state leaders who make decisions about everything from the school system to the water systems in our communities.
God, grant your grace to our local, municipal, and state leaders so that they might make wise decisions
…In matters that will have an impact on the education of the children of our community
…In matters that will have an impact on our environment
…In matters that will have an impact on our safety
…In matters that will have an impact on how we live with and relate to one another.
[Worshipers may add additional concerns at this time.]
Together, let us now pray for our national leaders:
God we have become like a ship that has lost its compass.
Grant wisdom and peace to our national leaders,
and guide them to seek a common vision for our common good.
When solutions seem impossible, show them the way.
Where there are differences, let your love prevail.
Heal our divisions and heal our land, we pray.
[Worshipers may add additional concerns at this time.]
Together, let us pray for the military personnel and the peacekeepers that have been deployed on our behalf.
God, we know that peace is always your preference, but today, again, we find ourselves at war in foreign lands. For all deployed for war or for peacekeeping, we ask for your protection, your guidance, and the peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7). We join our voices in prayer with people all over the world who long for that Great Day when the lion will lie down peaceably with the lamb and no one will prepare for war anymore.
[Worshipers may add additional concerns at this time.]
Finally, let us pray for world leaders and policy makers across the globe.
God of every nation, tribe, and tongue, we thank you for the delightful diversity of cultures and languages in our world. Grant leaders of these many places: grace to lead wisely, compassion that moves them to action on behalf of the people, and the reminder to work for the good of the entire human family.
[Worshipers may add additional concerns at this time.]
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