Prayers for Ascension Day (Or Ascension Sunday)
The first two prayers are from The Daily Office: A Book of Hours for Daily Prayer(Volume Three: The Great Fifty Days).
O God of earth and sky,
as Jesus came among us in Bethlehem to raise us up to heaven,
so today we recall his departing from us at Jerusalem to be in all places.
Though he is hidden from our sight,
enable us to abide in him
by the power and grace of the Holy Spirit,
until his mercy and grace fill your whole creation. Amen.
Copyright © 2000 Order of Saint Luke Publications. Used with permission.
O God, you have glorified our victorious Savior
with a triumphant resurrection from the dead,
and ascension into heaven,
where he sits at your right hand.
Grant, we ask you,
that his triumphs and glories may ever shine in our eyes
to make us see more clearly through his sufferings,
and more courageously endure our own;
being assured by his example,
that if we endeavor to live and die like him,
for the cause of your love in ourselves and others,
you will raise our dead bodies again,
and conforming them to his glorious body,
call us above the clouds,
and give us possession of your everlasting kingdom.
Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Copyright © 2000 Order of Saint Luke Publications. Used with permission.
- UMH 323, "The Ascension"
- UMBOW 403 and 404
- Ascension Day Prayers:
- Morning Prayer from the Day After Ascension Day to the Day of Pentecost:
Pray the following hymns:
UMH 312, "Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise"
UMH 324, "Hail Thee, Festival Day"
UMH 325, "Hail, Thou Once Despised Jesus"
UMH 308, "Thine Be the Glory"
UMH 315, "Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain"
UMH 326, "The Head That Once Was Crowned"
UMH 327, "Crown Him with Many Crowns"
Compiled by Daniel Benedict, who is retired from the staff of the Discipleship Ministries.
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