Shouting Praise (Palm Sunday)
The whole crowd of disciples burst into enthusiastic praise over all the mighty works they had witnessed. ... Jesus said, "If they kept quiet, the stones would do it for them, shouting praise."
— Luke 19:37, 40
Doing laundry. Buying groceries. Driving to work. Fixing the car. Mowing the lawn. Shoveling the snow. Going to meetings. Filling out paperwork.
Sometimes —oftentimes —these things in our lives seem overwhelming. It seems like all we can do and are doing is getting through, meeting our basic needs but still feeling like something is missing. We forget — or don't have the energy — to pause, be thankful, and recognize God's mighty works around us.
As I pause and reflect, I recognize these "mighty works" in my life and ministry. A new baby is born. A troubled teen offers a service ministry. A Christian community forms among a group of strangers. People that I never would have chosen are led into Christian leadership. A sunny spring day reveals a mountain range so close you can almost touch it. A person experiences Christ's presence in a startling way while on the holy ground of Birchwood Camp. People offer overwhelming generosity in the face of change. A vision whose foundation was laid years ago is emerging into reality. God brings just the right people at the right time into our lives, and the life of our mission.
What an abundance! Even though I sometimes look at my ministry glass as half empty rather than half full, I am reminded to take the time in my life to acknowledge and appreciate the blessings and to enthusiastically praise like the disciples in this scripture. This is how I more fully experience God's grace and abundance.
When was the last time you reflected on the mighty works of God in your life? When did you last take the time to offer your enthusiastic praise? Jesus offers to us in Matthew 11:28-29, "Are you tired? Worn out? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace." This is one of the gifts that places like Birchwood Camp offer to our world. Over and over again I hear how people appreciate their time at camp because they are away from the distractions of modern life. They are able to strengthen their bonds with their families, search their souls about what God wants for them, refresh their spirits, and remember God's mighty works in their lives. At this place in God's creation set aside for rest and renewal, they are reminded by the stones (and the mountains, and the lake ...) to praise and worship as their response to all that God has done for and with them.
We know what is coming this Holy Week, as it comes every Holy Week. One of the greatest journeys of our faith is this transformation from palms to crucifixion to resurrection. One of the greatest challenges of our faith is to live through this transformation each year and experience all of it. On this Palm Sunday, may we truly wave our palms with enthusiastic praise, remembering all of the mighty works that we have witnessed, and those that are yet to be.
Kimberly Kobersmith is a missionary of the General Board of Global Ministries, mission agency of The United Methodist Church. Assigned to the Alaska Missionary Conference, she is Resource Coordinator at Birchwood Camp, where her husband, David, also a missionary, is director. All scriptures are from THE MESSAGE. Copyright © Eugene H. Peterson 1993, 1994, 1995. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.Contact Us for Help
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