The Holy Spirit in Revival and Renewal
Revival can be a source of tremendous power. In seasons of revival, God makes a new energy available; renewal then results. The static, solid, hard conditions give way to God's striking, breaking, and quickening power of the Holy Spirit. A spiritual awakening is born; and new life is witnessed, bubbling up to the surface as a result of the inner work of the Holy Spirit. A new love for Christ, a new commitment to Christ, and a new dedication to the Great Commission are the welcome results of genuine revivals.
Renewal does not stop with a church being revitalized. The new energy drives the church to proclaim the gospel near and far. The desire to share the good news of the love of God in Christ becomes a burden in the hearts of people. The concern to bring others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ takes hold of them, and they step out in bold ventures for God. As a result of revival and renewal, the gospel is boldly proclaimed, people are discipled and perfected in their faith, new faith communities are born, growth is witnessed, and a great movement begins. God moves in history; and since God is the source of revivals, revivals can continue to happen in our churches today.
The dynamic for revival is so great, and the potential for growth is so tremendous, that all concerned with Christian discipleship must be deeply interested in revival. Our wise God has given people the power they need for sowing the seed, reaping the harvest, and gathering the sheaves. The church of Jesus Christ today must take up this challenge and move forward. The Holy Spirit has given us a good example to follow as we read about the early church in the Book of Acts and in other books of the Bible. Let us claim this power for our lives and the ministries to which God has called us.
Wesley S. K. Daniel is a former staff member of theDiscipleship Ministries.
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