The Second Coming of Christ -A New Beginning
One: Isaiah said (you see, Isaiah was a prophet), "God is sending a messenger to prepare the way."
Many: Prepare the way of the Lord.
One: I'm sending my messenger to your neighborhood.
Many: Prepare the way of the Lord; prepare the way of the Lord.
One: He's yelling from the corner, from the rooftop too.
Many: Prepare the way of the Lord; prepare the way of the Lord.
One: John appeared in our 'hood one day; he had something important to say: "Be baptized, confess your sins. You will be forgiven!"
You know what? My friends and neighbors went out to hear him and they were baptized, confessing their sins!
Youth group: You see, John was not like you or me. He had his own style of dress; camel's hair with a leather belt around his waist (use gestures to demonstrate). He ate locusts and wild honey. He told us that one more powerful than he was coming to our neighborhood, and he was not even worthy to untie this brother's shoes!
One: John told us he baptized with water, but the new man would baptize with the Holy Spirit!
Many: Good news! Good news of Jesus Christ the Son of God!
About the Author: Beverly Douglas is member of the Kairos Community AME Church of Nashville, Tennessee. She describes herself as a child of God who enjoys serving God, whether it be by writing, dancing, working with children, studying or doing missions work. Beverly holds a B.S. in Psychology and a Master's Degree in Education. Her passion in life is to start a Christian-based program, which will assist and educate parents who are struggling, and teens who need mentors, friends and role models. "We must reach these young people before the gangs do. We must let them know they are loved and God is real!"
21st Century Worship Resources: The Second Coming of Christ: A New Beginning Copyright © 2008 Beverly Douglas. All Rights Reserved. Posted with permission on the Discipleship Ministries website.
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