The Story of Adam and Eve Is Our Story-21st Century Resource for the First Sunday in Lent, Year A
Call to Worship
Leader: In the beginning, the Lord God said, "of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat…"
People: But we were disobedient children.
We did what the Lord God commanded us not to do.
Leader: We saw that which looked good to us, and
not thinking of God, we did as we pleased.
People: Surely the story of Adam and Eve is our story.
Leader: We gather together this morning to worship our Lord God, who seeks to teach us what has been done for us to overcome our disobedience.
People: Our ears are open, our hearts and minds are ready to receive.
We are God's children. We are the people of God.
Invitation to Confession
Let us now respond to the Word by offering our confession to Almighty God. Please feel free to make confession from the pews where you are sitting or to come forward to kneel at the altar railing on this First Sunday of Lent. During the Prayer of Confession, there will be moments of silence for each of us to be silently speaking or listening to God.
We will ready ourselves for confession with a moment of silence.
(Allow time for people to come to the altar rail.)
Prayer of Confession
Creator God, from the very beginning we have been rebellious and sinful. Each of us knows in our heart that we have done that which we know to be wrong and we have left undone that which we know to be good. Forgive us, we pray…
Jesus was tempted to turn stones into bread, to eat when he was hungry. We have been tempted to act as if the accumulation of wealth and material possessions will somehow protect us and the ones we love from the threats and dangers of life. Things, we believe, will satisfy our deepest hunger. We act like we can be in control, and in the process, we not only neglect you, we think of ourselves above others. Forgive us, we pray…
Jesus was tempted to throw himself from the temple and thereby prove your love of him. We don't need temptation; we already know that we want you to prove yourself to us. We want proof: prayer answered the way we want; signs of your presence; positive, affirming feelings in worship or devotional time; healings; and more. Forgive us, we pray…
Jesus was tempted to worship Satan rather than you and therein find power. We, too, are tempted to worship Satan, but we don't call him Satan. We know him by and sometimes honor him for his work: racism, sexism, nationalism, militarism, and more. We salute him and fall down at his feet, for we want the power he promises. Forgive us, we pray…Silence
Jesus resisted temptation by relying upon you, Lord God, and you alone. We know we are weak, but you are strong. You are able to lift us when we have fallen and to set us straight upon your path when we stray. We understand what Saint Paul affirms: through Jesus Christ your grace abounds, wrapping us all in the warm security blanket of your unending love and patience. Free us from ourselves, we pray, that we might serve you with gladness and bring honor and glory to your holy name. Amen.
*Psalm 32 from the Psalter
Invitation to the Offering
Happy are those who know the Lord and experience the love and forgiveness God has to offer. Our tithes and gifts are one way we seek to support the effort to bring others into the company of God and have the chance to know the joy and transformation we ourselves are experiencing in God's presence.
Prayer of Dedication/Thanksgiving
With our gifts we worship you, Creator God. And we ask you to bless these gifts, and those who offer them, that they and we might be the instruments you employ to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others. In the name of the one who is our grace and peace, even Christ the Lord. Amen.
Sending Forth
We have been given the free gift of God's grace and mercy. God is the author of our salvation; Jesus Christ is one who brings us this precious gift; and the Holy Spirit is the mediator, allowing us to experience it even this day. Go forth, with the peace of Christ, commissioned to share this Sacred message with others by word and in deed. Amen.
The Rev. Dr. Steven Plymale is the Senior Pastor of Mt. Pisgah UMC in Midlothian, Virginia, and is the Adjunct Professor of New Testament at the Proctor School of Theology, Virginia Union University, Richmond, Virginia. Dr. Plymale has been under appointment for almost 40 years. Much of his study and writing has been devoted to prayer in the New Testament.
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