They Were Waiting for a Sign from God: 21st Century Worship Resources for the Day of Pentecost
One: On the Day of Pentecost, the disciples were gathered together in an Upper Room.
Many: They were waiting for a sign from God.
One: At the sound of a mighty rushing wind, the Holy Spirit descended upon them.
Many: Like tongues of fire, the Holy Spirit rested on each one of them.
One: That day the disciples were changed forever.
Many: When the Holy Spirit touches us, we can never be the same.
One: God comes to us in the presence of the Holy Spirit that we might be enabled to do God's will in the world.
Many: Change us, Lord, that we might feel the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Set our hearts on fire for you, not just today, but every day. Amen.
A Confirmation Prayer for the Day of Pentecost
Lord, on the Day of Pentecost, you sent the Holy Spirit to dwell among your disciples. In the same way, we pray for the presence of that same Holy Spirit to dwell in our hearts and in our minds, not just today but from now on until Jesus comes again. We ask that you fill us anew with your presence, not for ourselves, but so that we might be strengthened for the work of ministry to which you have called us, individually and collectively. We thank you for the lives of our confirmands today, and ask your special blessing on each of them, that as they live out their faith, this step of their Christian journey will always remind them of who they are and whose they are. Let today also remind and refresh our commitment to you. In the name of Jesus we ask it all. Amen.
Offertory Prayer
Loving God, in the midst of the clamor of the world, we hear you speaking to our spirits, urging us and encouraging us to use the gifts you have so graciously bestowed on each one of us. As we present our tithes and offerings to you this morning, help us to make the connection between the faithfulness you require and the blessings you bestow. In the name of your Son, our Savior, we pray. Amen.
The Rev. Dr. LaGretta Bjorn is the pastor of the United Methodist Church of Spring Valley in Spring Valley, New York, and is a clergy member of the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Copyright 2009 LaGretta Bjorn All Rights Reserved. Posted with permission.
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