We Are Called: A 21st Century Worship Resource for the Pentecost Season
This general call to worship may be used throughout Pentecost to remind worshipers that we are all called by God to be extraordinary people who glorify God in everything that we do.
You are called...
but I'm just a (say your profession/retired/homemaker)...
and sometimes I don't have work...
Doesn't matter. You are called.
I can't be called, I'm a (man/woman/teenager/child)...
Doesn't matter. You are called.
Lord, I can't tell others about you... you know that time when I...
Doesn't matter. I still love you. I will always love you. You are called.
When did this happen?
Before you were baptized, before you were born, before you were created.
You are a part of my story that I am writing on the hearts of all people.
I am called?
You are called.
We are called.
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