This series allows us to explore a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is designed to help us know it well enough to recognize it when we encounter it in our own communities. This series pairs the epistle texts with the psalm for each week to give a flavor of both the understanding and the experience of hope. So, join us for this journey into the new world of a living hope that is ours in the Resurrection as we give thanks to God.
Following is a list of curated hymns for this series. As this is a six-week series, you might consider using a new or well-known hymn as your theme hymn and sing it each week in various ways to encourage the congregation to engage with it in different acts of worship.
- W&S: Worship and Song
- UMH: United Methodist Hymnal
- TFWS: The Faith We Sing
- CALL TO WORSHIP: Here I Am to Worship W&S 3177
- OPENING HYMN: How Firm a Foundation UMH 529
- Hope of the World UMH 178
- CALL TO PRAYER: Grace Alone TFWS 2162
- CLOSING HYMN: Song of Hope TFWS 2186
Seventh Sunday of Easter, Year A
- Lift Every Voice and Sing UMH 519
- Christ Is Alive UMH 318
- Blessed Assurance UMH 369
- Lead Me, Guide Me TFWS 2214
- Lord I Lift Your Name on High TFWS 2088
- Cares Chorus TFWS 2215