
Advent 2016 Worship Series Overview

Third Sunday of Advent, Year A

Once we have turned toward the fulfillment God intends, we begin to be able to see the world and treat others in it in a new way.

Order of Worship Preaching Hymns Prayers/Resources

SEE - Advent 3 Facebook cover

Resources and Articles


​Offertory Prayer

Almighty God, thank you for the surprising ways that you bring salvation. You faithfully keep your covenant promises to Abraham and Sarah and their descendants. With Mary, we express deep gratitude for your help at unexpected turns in our lives. Give each of us a humble heart to serve you willingly and joyfully. Use these offerings to assist people who struggle with doubt or physical needs through the ministries of our church. We pray in your holy name. Amen. (Luke 1)

View all Offertory Prayers for December 2016 »

​Graphics Downloads — SEE (week 3)

8.5x11 Bulletin Cover - Advent 3 [PDF]

11x17 Bulletin Cover - Advent 3 [PDF]

Facebook Cover Image - Advent 3 [.jpg]

Twitter Banner - Advent 3 [.jpg]

16:9 PowerPoint/Projection Image - Advent 3 [.jpg]

4:3 PowerPoint/Projection Image - Advent 3 [.jpg]

​Graphics Downloads — Advent-Christmas Series

Facebook Cover Image - Advent-Christmas Series [.jpg]

Twitter Banner - Advent-Christmas Series [.jpg]

16:9 PowerPoint/Projection Image - Advent-Christmas Series [.jpg]

4:3 PowerPoint/Projection Image - Advent-Christmas Series [.jpg]