![Prepare the Way: WELCOME worship series text over silhouetted image of a couple holding hands in front of a starry night background](https://gbod-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/legacy/kintera-images/worship/FB_Advent2018_W04.jpg)
Lighting the Advent Wreath
Written by Amy Sigmon
Advent 4: Welcome
Peace Candle
Micah 5:2-5a // Luke 1:39-55
Hymn: “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus,” stanza 1, The United Methodist Hymnal, 196
All [sung]: “Come, thou long expected Jesus, born to set thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us, let us find our rest in thee.
Israel’s strength and consolation, hope of all the earth thou art;
Dear desire of every nation, joy of every longing heart.”
Reader 1: God our shepherd, you chose a humble woman to bring your Messiah into the world, one who will bring us security, joy, and peace.
Reader 2: God, even children in the wombs of their mothers recognize you and delight in your presence.
All: We, God’s people, sing with Mary, “the mighty one has done great things for me. Holy is his name. He shows mercy to everyone, from one generation to the next, who honors him as God.” (Luke 1:49-50, CEB)
Reader 1 and/or 2: On this fourth Sunday of Advent, we light this peace candle in joyful anticipation of welcoming Christ’s coming.
Light a candle.
All [sung]: “Come, thou long expected Jesus, born to set thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us, let us find our rest in thee.
Israel’s strength and consolation, hope of all the earth thou art;
Dear desire of every nation, joy of every longing heart.”
Articles and Resources
- Advent Wreath Meditations: Year C, (Garland)
- Advent Wreath Meditations: Year C (McIntyre)
- 21st Century Africana Liturgy for the Fourth Sunday After Advent, Year C
- Planning for Advent, Year C
- Planning for Advent and Christmas, Year C
- Advent/Christmas Liturgies, Year C
- Advent (introductory article from the Book of Worship)
- Advent Wreath Meditations Year C
- Three Ways to Celebrate Advent and Christmas Season Fully in 2015/2016
- When Should You Hang the Greens?
- Extended Advent Webinar (to learn more about how to implement Extended Advent)
- Planning for Advent and Christmas, Year C
- Webinar Slides: Planning for Advent and Christmas 2015
- Full Webinar: Planning for Advent and Christmas Season 2015-2016
- Christmas Season (introductory article from the Book of Worship)
- The Three “M’s” of Christmas Season: Mystery, Martyrs, and Magnificat
- The Season after Epiphany (introductory article from the Book of Worship)
Offertory Prayer
God of all good things: This morning, as we draw closer to the blessed birth, we remember Mary and how your blessings come to the world in the most unexpected ways and often through the most unprepared people. Give us eyes this day to see the wealth of ways you have blessed us and the opportunities you have placed before us to be an unexpected blessing to others. Use the gifts we bring to you this morning to bless those who need the good news the most. We pray this in the name of Jesus, who gave in love all there was to give for us. Amen. (Micah 5:2-5a) (Luke 1:39-55)
View all Prepare the Way offertory prayers
This following study guide has been prepared for use with youth and young people by Young People's Ministries. View Study Guide.
Graphics Downloads — Fourth Sunday of Advent
8.5 x 11 Bulletin Cover (.jpg) — [Color] [Black & White]
11x17 Bulletin Cover (.jpg) — [Color] [Black & White]
Facebook Cover Image - Welcome [.jpg]
Twitter Banner - Welcome [.jpg]
16:9 PowerPoint/Projection Images (.jpg) — [Background]
4:3 PowerPoint/Projection Images (.jpg) — [Background]
Graphics Downloads — Prepare The Way Series
8.5 x 11 Bulletin Cover (.jpg) — [Color] [Black & White]
11x17 Bulletin Cover (.jpg) — [Color] [Black & White]
Facebook Cover Image — Prepare the Way Series [.jpg]
Twitter Banner - Prepare the Way Series [.jpg]
16:9 PowerPoint/Projection Images (.jpg) — [Background] [Title]
4:3 PowerPoint/Projection Images (.jpg) — [Background] [Title]