“Follow Me” CCLI #7016097 (Beth Farris) (solo)
“Follow Me” Mark Miller
“Jesus Calls Us O’er the Tumult” UMH 398
Prayer of Illumination
“We Would See Jesus” (st 4 and 5)
“Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore” (st 1-2) UMH 344 OR
“Two Fishermen” (st 1-2) TFWS 2101
Reading Matthew 4:12-23
“Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore” (st 3) UMH 344 OR
“Two Fishermen” (st 3-4) TFWS 2101
Sermon “Follow Me”
Call to Follow: I Will Follow By… (Collect via text, Twitter, or preparing card for the offering basket)
Song during collection or preparation: “Somlandela” (“We Will Follow”), W&S 3160
Prayers of the People
Interweave spoken or sung petitions from BOW 571 within a sung congregational continuo or response. Add the following two petitions to the list of petitions provided:
After “the people of this congregation…” add “for all who have made commitments to follow Christ in writing or in their hearts this day…”
At the end of the petitions, add, “for the forgiveness of our sins…”
Leave time for silent confession of sin, and conclude with an act of pardon in these or similar words:
Pastor: Jesus, who calls us to follow, declares forgiveness of sin to all who turn to him for help. In his name and by his power, you are forgiven.
People: In his name and by his power, you are forgiven.
All: Glory to God. Amen!
Pastor: The peace of Christ be always with you.
People: And also with you.
The peace is exchanged and the offering is collected.
Offertory (choir/soloist and/or congregation):
“When Jesus the Healer Passed Through Galilee” UMH 263, st 1, 5, 6
To make this a song of thanksgiving, replace the second refrain with “Thank you, Lord Jesus.”
Deacon or Pastor:
Jesus calls us all to follow,
and to join him every day
In his work of healing, deliverance, and restoration,
wherever he leads us.
Go forth and join him in his mission!
“The Summons” TFWS 2130
Postlude Reprise of “Follow Me” (Miller) or “Jesus Calls Us”