
Come, Let Us Adore Him

Christmas Eve, Year C

Friends, we made it! Through the preparations and the passion, our presence with another as we receive God’s promise—we made it!

Call to Worship

For you who are filled to the brim with happiness,
Jesus Christ, the joy of the world, is born.

For you who are mourning the loss of family and friends,
Jesus Christ, the joy of the world, is born.

For you who feel like you are tripping about in darkness,
Jesus Christ, the joy of the world, is born.

For you who rest in gratitude and contentment,
Jesus Christ, the joy of the world, is born.

For you who feel the ache of loneliness,
Jesus Christ, the joy of the world, is born.

For you who are surrounded by unlikely yet beautiful companionship,
Jesus Christ, the joy of the world, is born.

Come, let us worship the birth of our Savior!
Come, let us worship God who came to dwell among us!

Written by Dr. Lisa Hancock, Discipleship Ministries, June 2024.

Prayers of the People

We have waited for a long time
for your hope, your joy, your love
to shine in the darkness of this world, Almighty God.
Even now, in our gathering here, we await you.
In our hearts, we still hope that your light will blaze forth,
banishing the shadows of this world
and guiding all the people back to you.

Yet you did not come into this world
in a show of power and glory.
You did not shine forth for all of creation to behold.
A tiny spark –
a newborn baby,
visible to parents and curious animals.
A host of angels –
away from the populated areas,
singing to migrant workers.
A sparkling star –
guiding foreigners to see what neighbors could not.

Open our hearts, merciful God,
to the sparks of your presence still in this world,
that we might behold your presence in the least likely of places,
and among the least likely of people.

God with us,
kindle your spark within us,
that together we may shine forth your light,
we might banish the shadows of this world,
we might be the continuation of the Christmas miracle:
Emmanuel is in this world,
God is with us, now and evermore.

Illumine our hearts, gracious God,
that we might speak anew the words your Son will teach us...

Adapted from Rev. Eliza Buchakjian-Tweedy, Pastor at First Church Congregational in Rochester, NH. Posted on the re:Worship blog at

Prayer of Confession

God of Light,
we confess that we have gone astray and have left Your light.
We follow the dim lights of the world of success and fortune.
We follow the dim lights that call us
to be more religious by following rules.
We follow the fading light of personal salvation.
Forgive us for not seeking the true Light
of Your love for all the world.
Forgive us for not following the ways of Jesus,
who commanded us to love one another.
Call us to be light-bearers of love, compassion and justice,
in which the Mystery of Your Love is revealed.
In the name of Jesus the Messiah, we pray. Amen.

Written by Rev. Mindi on the Rev-o-lution website. Re-posted on the re:Worship blog at


Beloved, may you go in the blessing of Emmanuel, God-with-us, the joy of the world, and may you carry this gift of joy everywhere you go, working for peace, unity, justice, and mercy for all people. Amen.

Written by Dr. Lisa Hancock, Discipleship Ministries, June 2024.

In This Series...

First Sunday of Advent, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Second Sunday of Advent, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Third Sunday of Advent, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Christmas Eve, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes First Sunday after Christmas Day, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes


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In This Series...

First Sunday of Advent, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Second Sunday of Advent, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Third Sunday of Advent, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Christmas Eve, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes First Sunday after Christmas Day, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes